
The Liebster Award

I was nominated for the Liebster Award by my friend Rachel @ pace amore libri! Thanks Rachel!


1. Thank the person who nominated you and link their blog

2. Answer the 11 questions the person asked you –

(i) What’s your dream vacation?

A trip across all of Europe, visiting small towns and villages and historic sites.

(ii) How do you take your coffee (or tea)?

I prefer coffee, and I take it with half-and-half and sugar.  I also really love Thai iced tea, if that’s relevant.

(iii) What’s your favorite kind of blog post to make (e.g. book reviews, monthly wrap ups, Top 5 Wednesday/Top 10 Tuesday, etc)?

I actually don’t do monthly wrap-ups (should I?).  Hmm, I think I like book reviews best! There’s satisfaction in finishing a book and typing out that review.

(iv) Have you met any of your internet friends in real life?

Yes! Besides Rachel I’ve met a couple of others, but they aren’t on this platform.

(v) If you had to blog about something other than books, what would it be?

Well, I originally started this blog as a television blog, so I would probably blog about that!

(vi) What’s the best movie you’ve watched so far this year?

I don’t watch too many movies, but most of the ones I’ve watched this year have been absolutely incredible.

The Handmaiden:
Lesbian heist movie of my heart! When a Korean thief is hired by a conman to con a lady out of her riches, she doesn’t expect that she’ll end up falling in love with her.  There’s no burying your gays here; in fact, the women in this film triumph in a fantastic twist ending.

The Prince of Egypt: I’m Egyptian and yet had never seen this film, until Rachel saw fit to remedy that.  This movie is so beautiful and moving, and gorgeously illustrated, with incredible music too.

The Witch: This film is HELLA CREEPY Y’ALL.  I love it.  It’s about a Puritan family living on the edge of the New England wilderness and essentially falling prey to the devil and his witches.  It’s got gorgeous cinematography and a fabulous performance by Anya Taylor-Joy.

(vii) Where’s the coolest place you’ve ever been?

Ireland! Specifically, the Rock of Cashel.  There was just something about that old, crumbling castle and that small town that was so alluring.

(viii) Do you name your car(s) and other inanimate objects?

I do! I don’t really refer to them by those names but I just like to give them names anyway.

(ix) Which blog that you follow do you think is the most similar to yours?  In terms of, ‘if you like my blog, you should also follow ____.’

Hmm, hard to say! From what I’ve seen it seems most book bloggers review YA and fantasy.

(x) Favorite season?

Autumn is the season of my heart, y’all.  I love autumn so much.

(xi) Are there any genres that you refuse to read?

Not as a rule.  There are of course certain genres that I don’t automatically gravitate towards, but if a book seems interesting or comes highly recommended I’ll probably check it out no matter what genre it is.

3. Nominate 11 people (comment on their blog to let them know)

Is there anyone who hasn’t done this yet? I’m lazy and terrible at tagging folks, so if you haven’t done this yet, please, please, please, consider yourself tagged.

4. Ask the people you have nominated 11 questions

I like Rachel’s questions.  Go for those!

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