
13 Underhyped Adult Fantasy Series I Want to Read

Why are there so many great sounding adult fantasy series in the world, and why I have read so, so few of them? I am constantly attempting to rectify this personal failing, and yet I keep making lengthy TBRs and not adhering to any of them. Alas.

Anyway, there are three factors that make this list significant (to me, anyhow):

  1. I own a physical copy or an ebook of the first novel in all of these series.
  2. These are all completed series, so the potential to binge is there.
  3. They are all relatively underhyped, some more so than others for sure, but generally, they are not fantasy series I hear a lot about on Booktube or Twitter or the book blogosphere, or they happen to be older fantasy series.

God knows, I’m not committing to reading all of these in their entirety. I’m extremely picky about my fantasy series, because I’m not about to commit to thousands of pages unless I’m well and truly invested. I am, however, committing to giving the first book in each of these series a try.

Let’s get into the books!

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Monthly Wrap-Up: February 2022

  • Servant Mage by Kate Elliott (★★★☆☆)
  • Dead Silence by S.A. Barnes (★★★☆☆)


Two!! I read only two books this month, and one of them was a novella! In my defense, for most of February I was in Egypt, hanging out with family and generally vacationing, and I’ve never been very good at reading whilst on vacation. I also spent a while trying to get through OUR WIVES UNDER THE SEA but ended up DNF’ing it nearly halfway through because I was bored.

Continue reading “Monthly Wrap-Up: February 2022”

10 Authors to Read More of in 2022

As always, I’m out here making TBRs even though my reading seems to keep decreasing drastically (I’ve only read one book thus far in February dlkjalfkhla), but hey, list making for its own sake is fun too…here’s a list of some authors I’d like to read more of this year. The heading is a bit of a misnomer, as for a few of these authors I’ve never actually read anything by them, so “more” is a bit inaccurate, but we’ll roll with it.

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13 Books I Want to Reread

A few years ago I wrote up a similar post about books I’d like to reread, but I wanted to do an updated version that was more niche. In this case, these are books I want to reread for one of two reasons:

  1. I distinctly recall enjoying the book very much, but have almost entirely forgotten it, and could not recall specific details if my life depended on it.
  2. I read it when I was much younger and would like to reread it with a fresh, older perspective to see how I feel about it now.

Most of the books I mention fall under a combination of two of these conditions.

I am also trying to stay away from series starters, which fall under a whole other category (yes, several of the books I mention are technically part of a series but can also stand alone, so I’m not counting them).

Continue reading “13 Books I Want to Reread”